
giovedì 9 febbraio 2017

Final Thesis Opportunities for Master’s Degree

MIT-UNIPI Project: Dynamic Characterization of POGO Instabilities in Cavitating Turbopumps
Final Thesis Opportunities for Master’s Degree
·      Starting Date: February/March 2017
Duration: 6-9 months
·      Starting Date: September/October 2017
Duration: 6-9 months

Brief Abstract
MIT and UniPi aim to jointly develop a novel theoretical foundation capable of characterizing the dynamics of POGO oscillations and devising new design guidelines. The research will be jointly carried out by MIT and UniPi during the 18 month long of project. Each team will have a Principal Investigator (PI) and one or two undergraduate or graduate students. During the project, a delegation of each participating team, led by the PI, will stay at the premises of the other participating team two times for about one week to jointly conduct research.

Principal Investigators
Zoltán Spakovszky
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Director of Gas Turbine Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Angelo Pasini
Assistant Professor of Aerospace Propulsion
University of Pisa

Reference Person

Angelo Pasini
University of Pisa / Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering - Aerospace Division
8 Via Gerolamo Caruso, 56122 Pisa, Italy
Phone: +39-050-2217251 / Fax: +39-050-2217244

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